29 August - International Day against Nuclear Tests...

Five... Four... Three... Two... One... BOOM!

It was started 76 years ago, with the sunrise to the desert in New Mexico. with the explosion of the first nuclear bomb in human history, it was here that sparked a global race of pursuing nuclear weapons.

Since that fateful day in 1945, the planet had become a military playground for almost five decades, affecting the lives of people and animals, and properties in every nook and corner of the world badly. The world has witnessed over 2000 testing all over the world until the opening of the signature of the Comprehensive Nuclear- Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in 1996.

In 2009, intending to generate a secure world by eliminating nuclear weapons, the United Nations (UN) declared 29th August as the international day against nuclear tests, which commemorates the closing of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site in Kazakhstan in 1991.

The day is dedicated to enhancing public awareness and education on the adverse effects of explosions of nuclear weapons or any other explosions on human beings, the environment, and the planet in general. With the declaration of the day, it was also expected that member states of the UN would move towards the idea of nuclear disarmament.

Since the establishment, most of the bilateral and multilateral government developments, as well as civil societies, have worked together to achieve a nuclear-free weapon world by advancing the ban of nuclear testing.

CTBT plays a key role against nuclear testing. It has banned nuclear testing everywhere on the planet including the atmosphere, underwater, and underground for many years. It has not only prevented joining new countries to nuclear testing but also has prevented countries that already have nuclear weapons from modernizing and advancing them. Unfortunately, the treaty has not yet entered into force. It means, still some doors remain open for nuclear testing.

Last, but not least, it should be kept in mind that nuclear tests have changed, but they never really stopped. Like the world experienced in the past, major disasters could also happen in the future. Until all doors are closed, it could not ensure peace and security. Therefore, further action should be taken to eradicate nuclear tests by awaking the voice of people through the international day against the nuclear test.

As more than half of the world has already given up nuclear weapons, it will be possible to create a nuclear-weapon-free world one day. Until the day that makes it a reality, let us observe the day against the nuclear test.