A Shelter For Wisdom - Sip Sewana - Grama Prabodhaya

Community Service Nov 16, 2019

As written by Rtr. Hasindri Watawana

With the hopes of spreading rays of wisdom mingled with delightful sunshine on the faces of the students of Dunupothagama Vidyalaya, Nochchiyagama, the Rotaractors of University of Moratuwa are committed to another great cause.

Sip Sewana, a subproject under Grama Prabodhaya is planned to provide a shelter for the students of Dunupothagama Vidyalaya. A shelter for studying, a shelter for sharing, and a shelter for enhancing wisdom. At midnight on the 2nd of November, the Rotaractors of University of Moratuwa departed with wishes to initiate this noble cause and reached the school by 7 am.

As soon as they arrived, the Rotaractors diligently prepared the area that the classroom was proposed to be built. The ground was cleaned with the help of the villagers, and necessary material were taken to the place for preparation. It was a beautiful evening before the dawn of the day for an amazing cause. As Sri Lankans, our Rotaractors did not forget their traditions, so they lighted up oil lamps around the ground area and engaged in religious activities with the hopes of witnessing a successful next day.

Sunday dawned with bright rays of the Sun. Everyone gathered around the ground in the early morning with lots of excitement and hope. At 6.17 am, the auspicious time, the foundation area was demarcated with thread, and at 6.33 am the sod cutting ceremony was initiated by the hands of a teacher who represented the school. At 9.17 am, the foundation stone was laid by the President of Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa, Rtr. Dhanuka Perera, amidst the blessings of all the villagers, students, parents and our Rotaractors who wished nothing but success for this amazing initiative.

After laying the foundation stone, the ground was dug for building the foundation. The strength and courage given by the parents of the school cannot be ignored in this matter. They were highly involved, putting their efforts to create a better and a brighter future for their kids. Rotaract Mora stood as a giant pillar strengthening the hopes and expectations of the villagers of Dunupothagama Village, and we will continue to stand with them until the successful completion of this massive initiative.


Yoshani Ranaweera

A book lover and an avid writer. Adores travelling and spending time with nature. Always ready to lend a helping hand.

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