Adding Colour To Their Dreams - Rainbow Of Hope Phase 1 - Grama Prabodhaya

Community Service Apr 17, 2017

As said by

Rtr. Binod Madhubashitha,

“There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down and helping to lift someone up.”                                     -Bernard Meltzer-

When we arrived, as always there were warm smiles to greet us, with thousands of hopes in their young hearts. They may have been noticing the colors we bought to enlighten their new building. A fully equipped science laboratory and a new library are about to be bestowed to the school.  We, Rotaractors of Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa were impatient to launch the project as soon as possible.

Rainbow of Hope – Phase 1 is a sub project under the project ‘Grama Prabodhaya’ which is dedicated to paint the newly constructed building at Ranugalla Kanishta Vidyalaya, Monaragala. As we inspected, the construction of the building was almost at the finishing stage and there are only some minor tasks left to be completed. Without any delay we began to bring the building to life with lovely colors. We were able to finish painting all the walls with slaked lime during the first day giving the building a shade of cleanness, purity and brightness.

On the second day, parallel to the volleyball training camp, we started painting the walls with the selected colors. The team of Rotaractors worked hard hand in hand to complete the task. But since we were unable to finish painting the whole building, we will be back on another day to give it the finishing touches. The painting session was a novel experience to most and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially I should mention here that the new members who joined our Rotaract club recently gathered many wonderful experiences by being a part of “Grama Prabodhaya”. No doubt they will willing be the passionate workforce behind “Grama Prabodhaya” in the years to come.

After the day’s tiring work, we were also able to acquire some time to sense the unpolluted environment of Ranugalla. This untrodden little village and its picturesque sights gave a blissful relaxation to our restless minds.

At the end of the second day we had come closer to achieving what we wished. And the faces of these young sisters and brothers reflected the new hopes we indulged. No doubt they are counting figures till the time they will get to work in their new science lab and library.  And so are we…



Devni de Silva

Travelling while enjoying the beauty of the nature is her passion. She is a music lover as well as an animal lover. She loves helping people in need and would always enjoy being with her family and f

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