An Insight Into The Industry - The Forum - Are You Ready? 2016

“The Forum”, the second session of “Are You Ready?”, the official careers fair of University of Moratuwa was held successfully on 24th November 2016 at the Civil Auditorium of the university with the participation of more than 300 undergraduates who were present to clear their doubts on the career path they were to choose. Mr. Bennet Patternott, Head of Human Resources of Carson Cumberbatch PLC who has more than 30 years of experience in different industries graced the session as the guest speaker.

After the arrival of the dignitaries, the gathering was warmly welcomed by Rtr.Sampath Harshana, Co-Chairperson of “The Forum”. Marking the commencement of the session, Mr. Bennet Patternott and Mr. Merl Chandana , the moderator of “The Forum” were called up on stage for the discussion. Questions on functionality of the corporate world, which were raised by Mr. Merl were answered by Mr. Patternott, enlightening the undergraduates on how to overcome the challenges they were to face in the industry.

The Forum which is an integral part of the official careers fair provides the undergraduates an insight of the industry which they are going to enter in the near future providing them the benefit of knowing what they would have to face and how to overcome them. Undergraduates tend to choose either the industry or the research academics as their future career path. The lack of knowledge on both of these sectors leads them to make the wrong choice on their career. Provided with the proper insight on these sectors, undergraduates can decide what is the best for them as well as building up their career path.

During the discussion Mr. Patternott advised the undergraduates to improve their soft skills before entering the industry and to be ethical engineers. He also elaborated on overcoming the challenge of balancing work and family by sharing his own life experiences.

Rtr. Koumudi Ganepola, Co-Chairperson of “The Forum” delivered the Vote of Thanks expressing her gratitude to all the invitees for their presence and all her fellow Rotaractors for their support. Obtaining the main objective of “The Forum” which is to equip the undergraduates with required attitudes and skills the session was successfully concluded.