Claiming the Iron Throne

Imagine a world of Starks, Potterheads, Blinks, Narutos blah blah blah… I don't think you muggles, get what I'm trying to say… well that's the world I started to live in few months ago. It’s the world of Rotaract mora...let's a take detour and find out how I landed there.

As far as I can remember the month was January. We were just fresh outta A/L’s and floating free in the new WhatsApp groups with others who got selected for the university. And out of nowhere a flyer pop. Kings and queens of blah blah and it goes on. As responsible teenagers we thought of grabbing the opportunity. That’s the first step towards having a new family. So, with this new beginning we proceeded ahead. What the marvelous time that was. Creating videos, joining for quizzes and many more. And so, the induction program came to an end. And then came the aurudu season. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing because we had to celebrate the Rota aurudu online this time. But the funny thing was this led me to be a participant in aurudu kumaraya competition…😅😅I don't know how the hell that happened… anyways along with all those exciting things an era ended...

Okay now the story is reaching to its climax. Hold onto your wands fellow wizards. I was able to catch the snitch. For those who haven't watched Harry potter well let's just say I was able to achieve something super marvelous. I became the assistant IT director of the club. The first official step towards the Rotaract mora family. People here are friendly and nice…😌no angry Slytherins just passionate Gryffindors. Whenever you need assistance, they’ll stand by your side. It doesn’t matter how complicated the problem is, together they always find ways to solve it. I’m telling you, if your problem is in the past, they might even time travel and remove it from there. Good thing that there hasn’t been a need for that. Otherwise, lots of things would’ve been changed along the journey back to present and we might’ve wind up in an entirely different universe. So, the journey continues…

Rotaract Mora is a combination of different beautiful people who are willing to set aside their happiness for others smile.  As Rotaract Mora, we are not just helping people. We are shaping their lives, we are giving them a another chance in life, we are creating paths so that they won't give up. Rotaract Mora is not another club to which goes the winning awards. It’s true that we've won so many awards along the way. But our main intention was not about winning, it was about taking steps to make the world a better place. And yes, we are successful in that course. So, I don't know how to say how happy I am to be part of that. Yes, it can get tough sometimes. But it's worth it. The satisfaction is priceless. Unfortunately, I don't have that many pics with my fellow Rotaractors thanks to 😒covid. It might have stopped us from getting together. But it will never be able to stop what we do. Rotaract Mora gives us good hearted people, a chance to use to their fullest potential to shine light in world's dark places. Good luck all. Stay safe.

Expecto patronum muggles!