Exploring the Patterns of Purpose
“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life worth living.”

Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” follows a young boy named Santiago who embarks on an adventure to find a treasure in Egypt revealed to him in a dream. He comes from a struggling family and despite his father’s wish for him to become a priest, he became a shepherd to fulfill his dream of traveling. As time passed, the bond between him and his flock deepened, and he had gotten accustomed to the life of a shepherd. He is soon tempted to deviate from his usual lifestyle after repeatedly having a dream where he is guided to a treasure by a child. Santiago decides to visit a gypsy woman who interprets the omens in exchange for one-tenth of the treasure- if he were to find it. But she is unable to interpret it as the boy had hoped. According to her, it’s the simplest things in life that are the most extraordinary, and only the wisest are able to understand them. Disappointed by the woman’s interpretation of his dream, he carries on his mundane tasks.

However, his ambitions are soon rekindled by a mystical encounter with an elderly man who introduces himself as the king of Salem. Melchizedek, as he introduces himself, explains how everyone knows their destiny when young. Everything is clear and anything is possible at that point of time. But as people grow, they are convinced otherwise by a mysterious force. Even though that force appears to be negative, it is supposed to prepare you and your will. And when you truly desire something, the entire universe conspires to help you achieve it. Melchizedek relates the story of the city’s baker, how the baker wanted to be a shepherd, but settled in his current position because the people viewed bakers to be more important than shepherds. “A shepherd always takes his chances with wolves and the drought, and this is what makes a shepherd’s life interesting”. People are afraid of failure; this prevents them from pursuing their dreams. Coelho’s views on the purpose of a person are similar to Albert Camus’ view of Existentialism where we should give a purpose to our life and pursue it despite the obstacles we might encounter while doing so.

Santiago sets out on a quest to find his treasure, which is supposedly located near the Egyptian pyramids. His journey is riddled with difficulties, and he often considers abandoning his quest. But he perseveres and moves forward with a stronger resolve. Coelho’s fable implores us to have faith in our destinies. The fantastical story of Santiago explains how the most satisfying rewards are reaped from the most difficult journeys. It focuses on the importance of listening to the voice of the world, as Coelho views it, and believing in ourselves and our dreams. The story reminds us that if we are able to find joy in the smallest things in life, we’ll be able to find happiness and peace by ourselves. If we outsource our happiness and if it depends on various circumstances and what others think, our happiness will be unstable. “When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises”.