Dedicated for the Courageous and the Beautiful Hearts - Hand in Hand 2015/16

Community Service May 31, 2016

The enthusiastic Rotaractors of the Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa carried out their annual community service project “Hand in Hand” at the National Cancer Hospital, Maharagama on 31st May 2016, focusing on enhancing the mental health of the children suffering from cancer. The project was initiated to upgrade the living conditions and mentality of the children suffering from this deadly disease and to create awareness about cancer among the public.

Given the increasing rate of children being victimized by cancer each year, the Rotaractors of UOM thought that helping these children would be a worthwhile and timely cause than any other community venture could achieve. They targeted the mental health of these children since being mentally healthy and happy helps tremendously in the healing process of their body. For this, the Rotaractors renovated the children`s play area of the hospital to enhance its cheerful atmosphere and also spent some valuable time with the children while entertaining them and holding a painting session. To see the radiant smiles on the faces of the children and the Rotaractors proved to all the participants that they believe that their decision to join this particular project was the best choice they made.


This year the project was carried out in two phases; first phase in December focusing on Christmas and the second phase in May focusing on Vesak festival. Two painting sessions were held on 20th October 2015 and 22nd March 2016 respectively. Some selected paintings from these sessions were printed as Christmas cards and Vesak cards. Later, these cards were sold both island-wide and internationally.

Money raised from these sales was used to renovate the children play area of the hospital and to provide an expensive carton of  injections to the hospital. The smiles on the faces of the innocent children after seeing their artwork on the printed Vesak and Christmas cards was a precious and priceless sight that will always remain in our minds eye.

Along with the project this year, Rotaractors of UOM launched the official website of the Hand in
Hand project on 29th January 2016. Through the website at



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