Hand in Hand - To let them pursue dreams..

Community Service Nov 06, 2015

UntitledFor most of us, it was the “Community service” aspect of Rotaract that inclined us to become a part of this worldwide fraternity. Yet time and time again, we have been proven wrong. Rotaract is not just about serving the community, it is an organization that nurtures us to be the very best through a wide range of aspects. But once in awhile, projects such as Hand in Hand reminds us strongly how and why we came to find ourselves at Rotaract.

Hand in Hand is a community service project initiated in 2009 focusing on sharing happiness with kids suffering from cancer while also aiding the National Cancer Hospital in monetary or other wise terms. Each year the project is equipped with a number of painting sessions, a massive fund raiser and a final donation event. The concept of this project though simple, the experience one gets by being involved with this project is not something that can be expressed in words.

For us at Rotaract Mora, Hand in Hand is not just a project. No words can express the commitment and the devotion we have to make this endeavor a success. And this year around we have decided to take it to the next level. Our mision: To make a lasting impact on the lives of these little ones. Our motivation: Their happiness. Not more than 6 months have passed since “Hand in Hand 2015” was successfully completed. But the baton has already been passed to another set of enthusiastic Rotaractors to carry out once again Hand in Hand focusing on the Christmas celebration. A painting session with the young ones have already been completed leaving out the most tedious part of the project; raising funds through the sale of cards. While inviting you all to aid us in any means and magnitudes, let me wrap this up by reminding you that, you might not be able to help everyone, but it remains that everyone can help out someone.

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