Help Us Thrive

We are all educated by various types of individuals throughout our life. Starting from the very beginning, parents, we run over a huge number of people in life endlessly from whom we can learn something at some point. Among these moments where we learn, one’s most remembered time phase would undoubtedly be school time.

Speaking of school time, children in Sri Lanka are educated in many sorts of schools all around the country which vary dreadfully from one another. One school may have teachers drawing diagrams to fifty students using a set of markers on a white board in an air conditioned room while another school from elsewhere may have teachers solving math problems on a little slate under a tree for a petty number of students. When teachers of one school are concerned if they would produce less number of students for universities in a particular year than the last year, teachers of another place are worried how many kids there are in the class starving. That is how differing and shocking the circumstances have developed into.


Travelling to school is no easy thing for children in some villages as there are no roads or bridges. They must roll up their uniforms and remove footwear to get across waterways or trudge up and over the mountains carrying a bag that weighs way over the limit while some children get down at the gate of the school from their very own luxurious vehicle.



School has never been an encouraging place for them.  Most of these schools’ sanitary conditions are really awful and should be paid very much attention to. There have been many children facing unfortunate consequences due to this matter of not having enough cleaning staff inside.

Rural schools are mostly plagued by dearth of teachers to implement bilingual education. One might think it is hilarious to even think of implementing bilingual education in these schools since there is an immense deficiency of teachers to even to keep the daily proceedings going which makes bilingual education a nightmare.

Considering all this, it can be concluded that the lack of adequate budgetary resources and personnel have led to a gradual weakening of both the extent and quality of education in rural schools. If we can step forward and offer these young kids the best we can, it would unquestionably be an unmatched duty we can perform for the sake of Sri Lanka’s future.