Innocent Smiles, Unsaid Words – Colours 1

As told by

Rtr. Kaumadi Ganepola,

Cancer being one of the fatal diseases causes victims to have the fear of death, anxiety and loneliness. But those drowned souls are not to be left out but to be lifted up. The Christmas phase of Hand in Hand 16/17 has already been started in order to carry on the cause.

Hand in Hand, one of the largest community service projects carried out by the Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa focuses on adding up drops of happiness to the lives of cancer victims. The painting session for the Christmas phase of the project for the year 2016 was successfully held on 30th of September with the support of more than 30 Rotaractors who were present at the Cancer Hospital, Maharagama to encourage child victims to paint out their souls.

Amazing paintings depicting the Christmas merriment were created by the children within the age of 2-14 with the help of their parents and the Rotaractors. Selected paintings out of those will be made into Greeting cards which are to be sold for fund raising.

Even though their lives are hard, enthusiastic children like Samadhi, Dharsha and many more made us understand that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one knows how to find it. Little ones enjoyed painting a lot that some tended to create more than one. The smiles that glistened on the faces of both the children and their parents proved that all the effort was worth awhile.


The birthday of Rizla, one of the cancer aided girls, was celebrated in the midst of the event. Everyone got together to wish her many happy returns and surprisingly a cake was prepared by the Rotaractors to be served to the gathering. Children enjoyed the company of our Rotaractors who made them feel that they were not to face this alone. The gifts which were handed over to them brightened their faces even more though the day came to an end.