The Beginning of a Wondrous Journey - Ceylon Safari 2018 - Phase1

As said by Rtr. Ruwini Gamaarachchi

Once in a while, you should go to a place you’ve never been before. Once in a while, you should meet people you’ve never met before. This is the utmost concept of the project Ceylon Safari which was initiated by Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa.

Ceylon Safari was brought out in three separate phases to travel all over the significant places in Sri Lanka.  Here, I thought to portray my views regarding the first phase of the project, Ceylon Safari which took place from 22nd to 24th December 2018.

In Ceylon Safari 2018, four foreign Rotaractors from Cyprus and Romania got the chance to participate and gain this once in a lifetime experience. During the initial phase, the foreigners were able to travel to Habarana by train while embracing the beautiful sceneries of Mother Sri Lanka. In the early morning, we climbed the Pidurangala Mountain and were able to see the sunrise. For a second, everyone was speechless by seeing the fascinating surrounding at the top of the mountain. Afterwards, they got the live experience of the ancient Sri Lankan culture when we went to the Habarana Village. It was absolutely thrilling for them to travel around the Habarana village by bullock carts which is an ancient travelling method of Sri Lanka. Also, these foreign friends were able to have herbal drinks during that journey which made them happier more than anything.

Next day, in the early morning we started the journey to Pinnawala with the aim of visiting the  Elephants’ orphanage. Then, the foreign friends were able to ride the elephants and see the elephants bathing. The foreigners who travelled with us were pleased to see the elephants that much closer because it was a whole new experience for them which they haven’t experienced in their own countries. Afterwards, ending a fun-filled trip around the central region of Sri Lanka,  we headed back to Colombo in the evening.

Thus, the first phase of Ceylon Safari 2018 was concluded. While travelling, each of us was able to share the different cultural values of each country. In my point of view I think, through this project, we gained not only the experiences and lifetime memories but also the knowledge about different cultures, creating paths to friendships beyond the oceans. I’m extremely privileged to have been able to take part in this project because in the end we only regret the chances we didn’t take.

Await for more stories in this wonderful adventure!