To be Continued...

Akki, Ayya we are done with the slides and other preparations, and also we informed our OC members about today’s rehearsal, so can we have it today around 7 pm?
Yes guys, fine by us… By the way, good job so far...

A few days ago, that was our co-chairpersons of Project Urbanscape giving updates about the upcoming webinar, holding aspirations in their hearts, and making every effort together to ace another special event of the Urbanscape calendar. And on the other side, Supul and I watching them penning down their own Rotaract story, diving into nostalgia.

How strange and beautiful it is to see, the positions being replaced while legacy remains the same. A year ago, we were them and our beloved former directors were us. And now the youngest generation of the club is in front of us performing the play that we performed last year. The same stage. The same script with better modification. Only different faces.

If I close my eyes, I can still clearly see and feel each and every second I spent with the Rotaract Mora family throughout a year as if they did happen yesterday. I hardly can remember a single day I spent without a Rotaract project, last year. But I never thought it was exhausting or monotonous. Do you know why? Because every day there was a new lesson to learn. Everybody in the club was waiting to teach you something and help you to discover the best version of yourself.

For me and for most of us, it all started on an average evening. But this evening was strange and special. Trust me after witnessing that buddle filled with illusions of a Disneyland in our elder’s stories about university being cracked after entering through the gates of the university that was the first day, we found a reason to call the university a Disneyland, right where we were. Harry Potter-themed Rotaract Orientation!!! That was an ideal Mirror of Erised that got those little witches and wizards of Batch 19 out of their invisibility cloaks and showed them what their hearts desire and deserve. And then those little kiddos saw that the club was also opening several doors as projects inviting them to be a part of the Rotaract Mora family. I’ve heard that there is no going back after you start doing Rotaract. Well, you won’t realize how deep that quote is until you become a member of that family.

Breaking all the hierarchies, there is only one authority power; that is encouragement. There is only one regulation system; that is fellowship. And there’s only one award that boosts them towards selfless service; that is self-satisfaction.

Little did we know that we were penning down a memorable chapter of our lives when we entered this massive family. But like they say, the best things happen unexpectedly. As the 25th generation of the club, we entered the university, the club with a quarantine, breaking the charisma of yearlong fanciful physical meetups of the club history. But for the “Driving force of the club - the general members” we could not let the Silver year of the club fade away unnoticeably. The guidance of our seniors of the club was there to teach us how to make lemonade out of those lemons. Do you think that we could stop right there? We asked for sugar and water as well from those hard times. Throughout 365 days, we create our own satisfaction and joy inside that virtual cell, and even in the slightest time, we got to set up a physical meetup or an event. Likewise, we chose to be planted, to be bloomed, and to be flourished together holding each others’ hands even amidst the crisis under the love and fellowship of Rotaract Mora shelter.

Whenever the pandemic got in the way and when our dreams of Woof Roof faded away right in front of our eyes not once, not twice but three times, only the sweet encouragement of our co-directors of Environmental Services avenue kept our dreams alive. “Great job so far guys. Let’s try next time.” Sometimes when we had to search for ideas for projects regardless of the limited resources we had, we came up with overwhelming amounts of ideas one after another. Nevertheless, no matter how hard to implement them and how to connect them with the subject our directors never rejected them or made us feel bad. They welcomed them and encouraged us to adapt to the current situations. There were crowded situations that I also had to feel down, whether it’s content writing, moderating, or any other coordinating stuff. But to be honest, the praises and sweet words I received from my peers and board members just after those events didn’t let me feel bad about the things that I love doing and pushed me towards taking another step.

These individuals at Rotaract Mora are really special. Why do I say so? Even amidst a pile of assignments, even amidst hectic deadlines they still try to find some time to give back to the globe, while lifting each other up and cheering each other on. In a world where people go after proving that “They did the best”, I have seen people in this club who always wanted their next generation, their peers to do the best and break their records also.

When the Former Co-Director of Environmental Services Avenue, Prarthna akki said, “Become a personality that everyone remembers!”, setting a goal for us, the general member who just started penning down their Rotaract story;

When our Immediate Past President Samila ayya said, “ You guys are an inspiration to me!” showing a path to us to believe in our potentials and boost confidence;

When the President, Bimsara ayya says “You guys are doing a wonderful job!” giving recognition to our little efforts and driving the membership of the clubs to take their next step expanding horizons;

They did not only build a strong membership for the ongoing year but also they did pass the torch of legacy to their next generation. The legacy of giving back to society. The legacy of rising by lifting others. The legacy of encouraging the younger generation to do more becomes more.

Since the day this little seed was planted in 1995, without knowing that it would grow into such a massive tree one day, it has been growing and changing. Only the practice of handing on the torch of that legacy, the sub-culture of Rotaract Mora remained the same, watering and nurturing the club over generations.

And it is to be continued...