A goodbye note with rawest love, and the heaviest heart...
To my very first "love at first meeting!"
Heyyy!! With my infamous bear hugs and teary eyes I so miserably failed to hide. You've made a believer out of me since the very first meeting I was forced into for RuR? 2021 and for the first time, it felt like "maybe I will like uni life a little bit?!?". After that, I sneak peeked into every stop you made from RMMUN to Grama Prabodhaya to United Hype to oh my lord I don't know how many more. It was just like how they showed in American dramas how a college crush would be. Not grabbing too much of attention but being there just enough to be noticed.

But nothing would compare to the butterflies in my stomach and the fireworks in my mind and the cartwheels in my heart when you first held my hand and said without using a single word "I see you" with Rota Spark. Again, it was just like how they said it would be, a perfect first date with nerves making your skins crawl, anxiety making your heart stop but fascination making your eyes sparkle. But you know, there is this inevitable feeling of nerves anxiety spiraling after a first date of "what if I'm not the right type?" so, it was there for me too. Keeping myself busy with number of other things be it MentHer, SLRMUN or Shalom hoping that I'd get a call back, when I actually did. I actually finally, thrillingly did and this time with Revelation 2.0 with much more seriousness and an elevated sense of responsibility.
This is starting to sound more and more like an actual love letter, that it started to give myself creeps so let's just clap back to realistic writing shall we?!
Yes, this is a kind of a confession of utmost love and note of heartfelt goodbye but not to a living breathing human. Rather a living breathing movement powered by an amazing bunch of people.

Rotaract Mora, you are my very first "love at first meeting!" and I felt head over heels in love with you the first time I was forcefully dragged into an RuR meeting as a rookie company coordinator. And I still carry that same if not even more heightened love for you as I am at the end of this beautifully remarkable journey with you as the Director of Finance. From a volunteer, to a member, to a first time chair person, to a two times chair person, to a BoD member you took me on an adventurous voyage. The year as a BoD member was even more fascinating but definitely was a more of a thrilling roller-coaster ride than a cruise ship sail. And when I thought I was saying my final goodbyes, you had a different plan didn't you!? Let's just say no other lover of mine have ever caught me off guard and swept me off my feet the way you did when I was to take up the role of an ExCo member.

Rotaract Mora, my truest love from uni and for the longest time the reason I held onto uni without giving up. The sense of belonging and acceptance, love and embrace, service and humanity, friendship and compassion you gave is indescribable and it has been an utmost honor. It is with greatest pride I wearing your name on my badge and I will forever be grateful. Thank you, for being the purest of love.
I love you, with all my heart and I will terribly miss you more than words can ever describe. I'd give anything to go back to the hours long calls with my dudes-my very first co-chairs with Ignition. The never ends chattering and blabbering with my two gorgeous co-editors. The kinda dirty horror film in middle of RuR. Running around like headless chicken for SLRMUN. The days of reading and rewriting god knows how many reports before district submissions. The long walks in Galle fort after the Zooxanthellae. The late night talks at Mani's house after idk how many projects. The Dancing like there's no tomorrow after Binara padura and prom. The most memorable nights of my life with Ceylon Safari. I want all these back. All of them.

I will miss the bear hugs and late night OC dinners. I will miss inhumanely long speeches and dreading meetings. I will miss silly mistakes and dirty jokes. I will miss hopeless romantics and unbearable heartbreaks. I will miss other club secretaries with nice eyes and very own senior ayyas with cute smiles and senior akkis who are unbelievably hot that it should be illegal. I miss the girl talks to being one of the bros. I will miss the head massages and the seasalt tangled hairs. I will miss salmon packed car rides and karaoke bus rides. I will miss the awfully long captions and grammatically terrible reports. I will miss the secret love songs and late night walks with held hands...

So my love, thank you. And I can't wait to look at you from afar as you embark one more and more successful journeys. Thank you for shaping me into who I am today.
Goodbye Rotaract Mora!
Hugs and kisses <3
With love and the heaviest heart...