Home With Homies
Everyone has two sides. One side for homies and the other for strangers. As I always believe, Rotaract Mora is a place filled with love, care and endless laughers. The people who create these are my close circle. Storytelling is not my thing, but here I’m about to give you a descriptive understanding of the side that you’ve never seen and heard before about these people, our Board of Officials.

RI year 2021-22 was a hybrid year which was mostly running virtually and as general members, we hadn't physically interacted with one another but those virtual friendships were tenable. Zoom meetings were the funniest with these homies. Then the Christmas-themed General Meeting for the month of December 2022 was the very first gathering where everyone physically met one another. Life was full of joy and happiness in those days.

Suddenly a group was created by our beloved President Akki named Board of Officials 22-23 (we were curious to know about the directors those days btw) and yeah for the first two-three days it was a bit official and peaceful. Then the abnormalities popped out of nowhere. Honestly speaking, the Rotaract Mora Board of Officials for the year 22-23 are the most wonderful people I’ve ever met. They have the same crazy vibe and good chemistry with each other. Responsible, hardworking, childish, and wonderful foodies who give their top-most priority to කෑම always. No words about them. We’re an amazing family that abides by everyone in our family tree.
Will start with Malintha, the ලියන මහත්තයා. With his name comes two young gentlemen: Madara - the මදර බොසා and our dancer - the Tik tok Nisala. Then comes the Hiking Bojitha, with my beloved Emotional Supporter - Danush the Co-boss and the Membership ඩබල - Upeksha and Yanush. Then the Noisy Couple Risini and Sarasi with our අහිංසක Yasiru, Innocent Neha, Cool Shwetha with Saeedha the Live Grammarly, Calm Krishantha, Award-winning Wild Life Photographer Namina, Cute Keshanie, Anujitha the නඩේ ගුරා, Serious Anupa, the busiest PR couple Hiran and Pasan and finally the Track Yesith. With us, we have five beautiful babies who we famously call පොඩි පහ. And right at the top of our family tree, we have our Madam President Charithma and lovely Exco with Loku Boss IPP Bimsara who appears out of nowhere after a single phone call.

Half of this year has already elapsed but the moments we spent together as one family is truly amazing. Hope to collect tons of memories with you guys as a member of this extraordinary family tree during the next half of the year too. Love you guys a lot!