Jam Room: a celebration of connections

Imprints of Impacts Sep 03, 2024

"Jam Room” was a project close to our hearts, launched under the Club Service Avenue of Rotaract Mora. It aimed to bridge connections between the outgoing and incoming Boards of Directors for the RI years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025. Our goal wasn't just to pass on responsibilities and create a vibrant platform for building networks and ensuring a smooth transition.

Our primary goal through “Jam Room” was to create an environment where the outgoing and incoming boards could connect on a deeper level. We tried to achieve this through a series of carefully designed activities that encouraged collaboration and communication. We tried to put an emphasis on inclusivity, ensuring that all participants, regardless of their background or experience, felt valued and heard. We designed the event to be fun and interactive, filled with games and activities that encouraged camaraderie and teamwork. Bringing together board members from different RI years, our aim was to foster deep personal connections beyond their official roles.

On the event day, we mixed participants from both boards into teams and threw them into challenges that required collaboration and trust. From problem-solving to trust-building games, the atmosphere quickly shifted from initial awkwardness to lively engagement. By the end, we witnessed a noticeable improvement in mutual respect and understanding among everyone, with new friendships blooming.

I think the success of Jam Room was not just in its execution, but in the detailed planning that went into making it a memorable and impactful event. After a hiatus due to complications in the previous year, Jam Room was re-initiated for the RI year 2024-25 under the leadership of Rtr. Hiruni Praveesha is the president for this year. We began the planning process on July 1st, with a series of preliminary meetings where we selected July 12th, 2024, as the date for the event. This early decision allowed us to focus more on selecting activities that would effectively foster collaboration and communication among board members. Through many brainstorming sessions, we chose games that were both engaging and purposeful, ensuring they met the event’s objectives.

I believe Jam Room 2024 was more than a project; it embodied our club's spirit of continuity and collaboration. I vehemently think that the relationships forged during this event set a strong foundation for a productive RI year 2024-2025. The positive feedback we received affirmed its impact, leaving us excited about future collaborations and achievements for Rotaract Mora.

As we look to the future, I hope that the bonds formed during Jam Room will undoubtedly play a crucial role in the club’s ongoing achievements, setting the stage for more collaborative and supportive interactions in the years to come.


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