You TM

Professional Development Dec 07, 2015

“Are You Ready?”, organized by the Rotaract Club of University of Moratuwa in collaboration with the Career Guidance Unit is a much awaited event in the university calendar which marks the career’s week of the university. Introduced in 1998, “Are You Ready” marked its 20th milestone on 7th December 2015 with YOUTM as its third session. This grand event, consisting of a series of sub sessions is a great opportunity for the young undergraduates to mould their professional life with experiences and knowledge.
Among the six sub sessions that make up “Are You Ready?”, “YOUTM” is the third one. The session was held on 8th December 2015 at the Civil Auditorium with the participation of over 200 undergraduates. The session was conducted with the intension of building up the confidence of the undergraduates to develop their own personal brand and to have a strong professional network in the industry.It was enriched with the speeches delivered by Mr. Yukthi Gunasekara ,Managing Director at YKG Associates and Ms. Nilangani De Silva General Manger of Group Capability / Training & Development at Brandix Group.


“YOUTM” further aimed on emphasizing how to establish oneself a leader, being unique individual in the professional arena and also the importance of keeping multiple connections with the professional personnel. The event was an immense success with all its targets achieved and participants were motivated to find their true potentials in making their own brand of themselves. The session was chaired by Rtr. Anuri Herath and Rtr.Amidu Silva.


Written by

-Rtr. Anuri Herath


Sakila Sandeepani

Thinking that everything is very simple even though it is not. She is a dreamer and an idea generator. She has a passion in helping others and likes to hangout with friends. Always loves to talk with

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