Hand-in-Hand: Illuminating Lives of Cancer Patients.

Hand in Hand Jul 28, 2024

In the heart of Sri Lanka, amidst the bustling city of Maharagama, lies Apeksha Hospital; a beacon of hope for countless children bravely battling cancer. Here, amidst the challenges of treatment, a ray of light shines through in the form of the Rotaract Club of the University of Moratuwa's project, “Hand-in-Hand”.

“Hand-in-Hand” isn't just another project; it's a testament to compassion and community spirit. Founded to support the brightest and boldest young souls facing cancer, this initiative embodies the ethos of selflessness and service. As a non-profit fundraising endeavor, its mission transcends mere charity; it aims to uplift, empower, and bring joy to those navigating through some of life's toughest moments. The fundamental goal of “Hand-in-Hand” is to bring volunteers, supporters, and students together in a cooperative endeavor to create a real impact. The project has flourished, giving rise to several other significant sub-initiatives.

“Hand-in-Hand” includes a range of activities, such as awareness campaigns,  direct patient care, and medical facility support. “Colours- giving a chance for child patients to show their artistic talents”, “Hope -handcraft workshop for adult patients” and “Sparkle- Christmas celebration with child patients” are only a few of their sub-projects. These initiatives are long-term commitments rather than token ones, motivated by the conviction that every child ought to have the opportunity to have a better future.

Among Hand-in-Hand's most successful side ventures is the T-shirt and wristband campaign, which has the inspirational phrase "Join the Fight." These products serve as both fundraising and awareness-raising tools for our cause in addition to being marks of support. Our supporters proudly show their dedication to supporting these strong kids in their battle against cancer by donning these T-shirts and bracelets.

I have had the honor of personally witnessing the transformative impact of music and community cooperation as a proud member of “Nadhya” the Hand-in-Hand concert. This was a process of several months and I joined the team in the last 4 weeks but had the honor of witnessing firsthand the unwavering commitment and teamwork of every member/participant. For me personally, volunteering with Hand-in-Hand has been a tremendously fulfilling experience. It was about more than just planning events and volunteering. It was about building relationships, exchanging smiles, and making memories that last long after patients leave the hospital.

My volunteer work with “Hand-in-Hand” is but a small sample of the massive endeavors that propel this organization forward. Beyond what I've personally witnessed, there is a vast network of committed people working nonstop behind the scenes. In every aspect of “Hand-in-Hand”, from outreach and logistical planning to creative design and financial management, the project is supported by many enthusiastic volunteers and members of the University of Moratuwa Rotaract Club. They are unified in their resolve to significantly improve the lives of children undergoing cancer treatment at Apeksha Hospital, proving that kindness and teamwork can genuinely transform lives.

“Hand-in-Hand” accomplished incredible milestones over the 175-day campaign as their hard work and dedication paid off with 50,000 committed contributors, 11 distinguished awards, and an astounding over 7 million rupees raised. These accomplishments demonstrate the strength of compassion and community in action. They are more than just statistics; Together, they have encouraged numerous more to take up the battle against cancer. I hope that through the project “Hand-in-Hand” Rotaract Mora will keep illuminating lives in the future and demonstrate that their collective efforts are limitless when they unite around a common goal.

Let’s put hand in hand and JOIN THE FIGHT!!!


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