RMMUN: A Dream Come True
A 🌟new idea generated by two teams at Revelation 19.0….
With more than 50+ hours of brainstorming….
Yes, it takes self motivation more than anything, to create any new beginning.
And that is how RMMUN came to be!!
Rotaract Mora Model United Nation was groomed from a little concept brought out by six fresh Rotaractors - Avishka, Tharusha, Shehan, Dulamith, Lahiru and Gihan - from the 19’ Batch. The tale ✍began as a simple undergraduate conference...
As the project unfolded through the fabrics of Zoom, they soon realized there was much more to it! This was a novel opportunity for us undergrads🎓 to explore through international waters while developing our skill sets in aspects of delegation, public speaking, presentation, debating, researching and much more. But that was easier said than done..

Our University has a massive reputation for being one of the best technical universities in Sri Lanka and the workload📖📑 is appropriately colossal. Thus, our little Fellowship started work well before the New Rotaract Year even began and worked beyond the clock. It was initially planned to be a grand, physical program graced by the presence of important delegates and personnel. However, soon the road got steeper; with lockdowns cropping-up everywhere, our luck began to thin down.
As per the saying “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes them meaningful”, our Rotaractors saw these barriers as opportunities and started grooming the Project Committee with the aim to build a novel culture within the University. And to say the least that took sleepless nights, patience, 50+ hours of brainstorming💡 and 200+ hours of volunteering.
The initial plan was to go with 3 sub-projects named ‘Colloquy’, ‘Covenant’ and “RMMUN training sessions” and one conference for Phase I that will run for 6 months from the 3rd of July 2020 onwards.
We start creating the hype within the University and in the Rotaract District with the support of the PR and Editorial team. We were able to garner 450+ participants from all over the Rotaract District for Colloquy and needless to say, the outcome was a tremendous success and exceeded all expectations.

With that fired-up energy, we set out on our next adventure - “Covenant” - exclusively for University of Moratuwa undergraduates. This focused on the importance of researching global issues and brainstorming solutions.
From that point we began training sessions to develop the participants’ knowledge and hone them into experienced delegates. At the beginning things were looking dim with only 06 participants. However, things grew progressively better and by the end of seven sessions the participation grew rapidly and we subsequently received 45+ registrations for the Conference.
Currently, we got 30+ active delegates for the conference and are developing 20+ undergraduates from scratch to be the responsible delegates of RMMUN Conference 2021. After 180 days of commitment, we are finally able to see the fruits of our efforts in the form of a strong foundation which will be supporting hundreds of UoM undergraduates to explore the international seas while developing themselves to be strong icons in the future society.

Every journey has an ending but still every ending is just another beginning🌟. So remember one success story is here but there are more to come. So join with us to explore more adventures that will be there in this wonderful culture.
There is a saying by John Irving, “You only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else”.
Stay tuned!